Repair tooth decay safely with tooth-colored fillings
Tooth decay can happen at any age. Children and adults may need fillings to repair cavities. Many patients want to replace older silver or amalgam fillings for aesthetic reasons, or out of concern over potential health risks. At Orchard Dental Group, our dentists use only non-metal, mercury-free fillings that are carefully matched to the color of your natural teeth.
Advancements in resins and ceramics mean tooth-colored filings are more durable and predictable than old-school metallics. The available materials and techniques continue to improve. Our dentists constantly study the latest techniques and materials. Bonding is one of the most important aspects to a successful, pain-free filling. Orchard dentists apply highly technical bonding techniques to help ensure patients won’t experience any lingering pain or sensitivity.

Orchard Dental uses tooth colored fillings for patients of all ages, because even kids deserve the best possible dental care. Tooth-colored fillings look better, last a long time, and reduce exposure to potentially harmful materials such as mercury. And unlike metallic fillings that require a 24-hour waiting period, patients receiving tooth-colored fillings leave our office ready to chew.
Many dentists still use silver or amalgam fillings. We find it hard to believe! Orchard Dental Group has placed only metal-free, mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings since we opened our practice.
– Dr. Kauls